The Lore of Still Building - 1973-1999 Publication
a Large Section on GASOHOL
- Kathleen Howard
- Norman Gibat
1973-1999 Out of Print = pdf ebook
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Contents: 192 pages
Textbook - The Lore of Still Building
A primer on the production of alcohol for food and fuel
If we included the whole body of knowledge on the subject of STILLS and DiSTILLation it would require at least a few dozen large volumes to print it all. On the other hand you can carry this book in your pocket and when you finish reading it you'll likely know everything you wanted to know--and probably more!
Contents Index
- Chapter 1: In the days of Yore Pre-Historic Alcohol, Historic Alcohol, Alcoholic Excesses
- Chapter 2: Post Yore Days Temperance Movements, Prohibition, Repeal, After Repeal, Other Countries.
- Chapter 3: Fundamentals Of Alcohol First Fundamentals, Chemistry of Alcohol, Properties of Ethanol, Water and Ethanol, Distillation, Measurement of Ethanol, Production and the Uses of Ethanol, Denatured Alcohol, Physiological Aspects of Ethanol, Flash Points of Ethanol.
- Chapter 4: Basic Mash & Methods Ethanol Production, Mash Recipes, Gristing, Mashing, Brewing, Fermenting Popular Strong Drinks, Aging, Malting and Mashing Explained, Preparation of Washes for Distillation, Freeze Distillation.
- Chapter 5: Still Hardware Single Stage Stills, Compound Stills, Reflux Still, Fractional Distillation, Home-made Stills, Pot Stills Operations, Slobber Boxes, The Connelly Ice-Water Still, Home Pot Still - Model B, Continuous Run Still.
- Chapter 6: Fermented Beverages Beer & V\line Fundamentals, For Personal Use and Consumption, Fermentation, Making V\line, Preserving Your V\line's flavor, Making Beer, Priming & Bottling
- Chapter 7: Other Beverages Some Usual and Some Unusual Beverages.
- Chapter 8: Lores & Legends, Moonshiners
PART II - How to produce Fermented & Distilled Fuels
- Chapter 9: Gasohol & Ethanol Gasohol, Gasohol and Water, Absolute Alcohol, Ethanol as a Fuel, Octane, Diesels, Vapor Lock, Ethanol and Pollution, Energy and Efficiencies, Carbon Monoxide, Safety, Vehicle Alterations, Legalities.
- Chapter 10: Medium Scale Production of Ethanol Fermentation for Ethanol Fuel Production, Growing Your Yeast, Experimenting Produces Expertise, Preparation for Distilling, Distillation of Ethanol for Fuel Production, Continuous Distillation, Building a Fractionating Column, Baffle Plates, Building a Condenser, Construction Problems, Building a Prototype, Operating the Still, Adjusting the Temperature and Flow Rate, Energy Input and Energy Losses, Denaturants and Taxes.
- Chapter 11: More Fuels and Topics Sunlight, Stored Energy Conversions, Carbohydrates, Cellulose, Methanol from Cellulose, Methane, Gas Explosions, Raw Materials, Fats, Summary of Recent Replenishable Fuel Developments.
- Chapter 12: Charts, Tables& References Alcoholic Beverage Guide, Weights and Measures, Proof Tables for Alcohol, Alcohol Conversion Table, Temperature Conversion Table, Alcohol Dilution Table, BATF Offices and Addresses, Permit Letter, Organizations.
just a few short hours it will be within your power to construct your
own efficient and economical still. You will be able to build a small
stiff for the production of alcoholic beverages or a larger version
for the production of fuel energy. Gasohol is only one of many possible
solutions to the fuel shortage explored in this single explosive volume.
Home wine and beer-making are both legal in the United States, Canada and Great Britain. Home Distillation (operating a still) is not legal KNOWING how to distill is not illegal, but the DOING is!
However, a variance to the Distillation law can be obtained in the United States for the experimenter who wishes to build his own still for producing fuel This variance does not allow the production of beverage alcohol although there is no difference between the two.
Although it is now illegal to distill at home for your own use there is a very good chance that this part of the law will be changed in the future. The same statutes that govern the tax on alcohol also govern the tax on tobacco. Yet it is not illegal to grow and smoke your own tobacco. This is only one of the many inconsistencies in the law that may very well undergo modernization in the future.
Serious energy shortages have added even greater pressures for the releasing of the legal taboos on the freedom to distil. When such changes are legislated this informational book will then become a valuable textbook to the home distiller.
The information in this book is presented in good faith. To the best of the author's knowledge, it is factual and free from gross e"or. However, the authors assume no liability for any results or conclusions that may be based in whole or in part on this material It is presented for informational purposes only.
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